This is what can be referred as immature and infantine psychology of a growing 'Mega' Star like Ram Charan. Despite irresponsible tweets posted on Twitter weeks ago, he exhibited the same confessing today about finalization of 'Merupu' story. Early times in the release of Orange, Ram Charan announced in an interview about successful conclusion to 'Merupu' first schedule but today a tweet from Ram Charan says, "MERUPU story has been finalized and has cum out grt. highly entertaining commercial movie. waitin to start shoot."
Possible indication Ram Charan offered with the tweet is that Merupu's first schedule was completed even before finalization of the story or a re-shoot of entire first schedule is possibly on the cards. Either of the choices, it’s the luck of producer which will have an effect. This is the danger in dealing with irresponsible star heroes, whose will and wish are to affect the fortunes of producer, distributor, exhibitor and finally audience along with fans.
When big heads in film world are uptight with burgeoning costs on producers, the immaturity of Ram Charan to go for shooting schedules without a bound script in hand is inviting criticism from audience. What are the fundamentals Ram Charan learned from a living legend like Chiranjeevi is a million dollar question!