- Mumbai, Dec 28 (IANS) The Bombay High Court Tuesday ordered the attachment of two properties of Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt over a financial row with producer Shakeel Noorani, lawyers said.
The decision followed an arbitration award passed by the Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association (IMPPA) in January this year in favour of Noorani.
Noorani's lawyer Ashok Saraogi said his client had in 2002 paid Sanjay Dutt a signing amount of Rs.50 lakh for his film "Jaan Ki Baazi". But Dutt failed to complete the shooting, Saraogi told IANS.
"It was only in 2008 that Dutt finally told Noorani that he will not be completing the film, causing financial losses to Noorani," he said. "Noorani has now claimed Rs.3.28 crore from Dutt."
Saraogi said the arbitration award by IMPPA was sent to Dutt in January 2010 and he was given 90 days to respond. When the actor failed to, IMPPA applied for the execution of a decree in the high court.
Dutt's lawyer Sanjay Mannshinde said they will take appropriate action after the court vacation gets over Jan 3.
"We will think about our line of action and appeal in the Bombay High Court next week. That will also give us time to go through the notice by IMPPA," he said.
"The execution department of the Bombay High Court issued a warrant under Civil Procedure Code against Dutt last week. Today, the notices of attachment of his properties in Bandra and Santa Cruz were pasted on the premises by the bailiff of the Sheriff's court," Saraogi said.
Dutt has an option to pay Noorani the amount claimed within 30 days to avoid the auction of his properties. "Dutt can also challenge this order in the high court," Saraogi said.